7 Little Johnstons

‘7 Little Johnstons’ Anna Confirms Being Left Out Of Family Vacation

7 Little Johnstons star Anna Johnston went Live and the video has since been taken down. However, TLC fans who watched it heard that when the rest of the family went on vacation to Puerto Rico recently, she was left out.

As hints of estrangement circulate, many people hope that it’s not real and that the network created some drama for new content in Season 15.

TLC Star Anna Johnston On The Outs As Family Vacations

More and more often, not-so-subtle hints arrive that Trent, Amber, and the rest of the Johnston family are not speaking with Anna.

As it coincides with her possibly dating someone named Darius Anderson, some viewers believe they don’t like her new boyfriend. However, everyone knows that the adopted daughter from Russia always seemed to be Amber’s least favorite child.

Anna Johnston - Instagram
Anna Johnston – Instagram

7 Little Johnstons fans noticed that when photos arrived of the vacation to Puerto Rico, Anna Johnston didn’t seem to be there.

Brice Bolden shared photos of himself along with Elizabeth “Liz” Johnson and Leighton Drew. Additionally, he got in some angling and posted about his catch. But, nobody’s talking about Anna Johnston except for her fans.

7 Little Johnstons Star Confirms No Invite?

From what TLC fans saw and heard this weekend during the Live, it seems that Anna’s off the Christmas Card List this year. On Reddit, a fan who watched it wrote:

The Johnstons Instagram
Photo Credit: @team7lj Instagram

Anna Johnston might not get along with her family, but she’s a favorite of TLC fans. So, lots of comments appeared in the discussion. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • I feel so bad for her – I’m watching as well.
  • Lord that family is horrible to her. Amber and Liz ALWAYS have been. Trent is just cringeworthy a lot of the time. Amber is all the time. And this show has become about Amber’s & Liz’s narcissism, and abusing Anna.
  • I wish Amber’s abusiveness as a mother would become as a big a story as Kate Gosselin’s, but I don’t see that happening. She’d cry that it was just because she’s a LP.
  • We should call Amber mommy dearest because that’s exactly what she is.
  • I said it once and I’ll say it again. It would not surprise me if it’s all a PR stunt by TLC. Watching the latest season it appears that they are running out of storylines for the family. If Liz hadn’t gotten pregnant there really wouldn’t be anything interesting in this season.

What are your thoughts on Anna Johnston not going along with the rest of the family to Puerto Rico? Are you shocked that the TLC star wasn’t invited? Do you think it might just be a PR stunt? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your 7 Little Johnstons news.

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