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Little People, Big World Cold War: Why Matt and Amy Can’t Stop Putting Each Other Down

I will explain everything; never miss this video. Celebrity couple Matt and Amy Roloff of Little People, Big World are in the Cold War stage of their relationship. Despite having moved on and dated other people, things are tight. Amy previously married Chris, and Matt is set to wed Karen Chandler.

Little People, Big World: "Cold War!": Why Matt & Amy Can't Stop Putting  Each Other Down

In order to destabilize the other during their Cold War, the USA and the Soviet Union employed dubious strategies such as high-level espionage. It’s cold in the war now that Matt and Amy have moved past the intense argument that ended in their tragic breakup.

From pumpkin farm drama to hard feelings over cheating, well, maybe the Roloff Cold War grinds on as predictable as rain.

All of Matt and Amy’s Cold War exchanges demonstrate that although life moves on, people change, and even the most heated dispute may lessen, the hurt feelings always remain. Although it costs them, they are civil. Matt was usually the cooler customer, but he’s more at ease in their new dynamic.

Amy is sensitive, Matt left her, and it was she who was wounded. They make a commendable effort to coexist in the wake of memories that occasionally flood back, but their true emotions, which are deep and suppressed, come through. There’s animosity.

Matt puts on a stern facade because he must. He might have to face the unsaid truth of how completely he devastated Amy if he allowed more warmth to seep into their connection. Amy’s dreams were crushed, and her heart was broken into a thousand pieces by Matt. He fell in love with Caryn, a worker at Roloff Farms. Karen might be a gold digger, or perhaps the patriarch of the Roloff family is just being kind.

Matt is a highly educated man too. He retreats into civility, occasionally complaining behind Amy’s back in a Cold War-style manner.

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Matt’s true feelings surface in these light, throwaway comments. When he jokes with Chris, Amy’s new hubby, about her habit of leaving drawers open, he’s getting his aggression out. Chris joins in, and when he does, Matt stabilizes Amy’s relationship. It’s so Cold War.

Amy can’t stand the fact that Matt and Chris are in a bromance. It grates on her nerves, triggering her. The last thing she wants, as she said on screen in Little People, Big World, is the two men causing trouble covertly, which was what the Cold War was all about.

Amy does the same thing however, she’s more likely to turn to her children when she needs to vent.

She can possibly subconsciously make Matt’s life harder just by remaining so close to her children. The kids rely on Amy; she’s the warmer one. Amy can give love in comforting and maternal ways. She will cook; she will take care of an adult child when they’re sick.

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Amy was there for Zach when he had issues that led to excruciating headaches. Matt was left out in the cold. Prior to their marriage, Matt and Amy were not well acquainted.

She stated that she would have preferred to have known more about her spouse before being married. They moved quickly and soon had children who were wonderful but also brought on the normal worry. Like any double spy, Matt had a darker side.

He used to be a little bit of a womanizer. Matt even tried his hand at cocaine. May be Matt, a secretive bad boy, never loved Amy the way she loved him.

One of the most heinous crimes of the Cold War was Matt’s choice to put up a portion of Roloff Farms for sale rather than giving it to his children or leaving it to them to inherit upon his death.

This seemed particularly cold-blooded to Zach, who viewed it as the ultimate betrayal. Amy felt the same way about it. Matt stated he never made any promises to anyone. Is this accurate, or is this simply a little bit of espionage to influence public opinion? It’s not insurmountable; Matt might be spreading misinformation.

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A lost Soviet Union, the family is in shambles now. It’s obvious that Tori Roloff and Zach have had enough of Matt since they are abandoning Little People, Big World. Two-faced agent Matt’s bad side was exposed. Now everyone is aware that he is simply a vicious man who is all about the Benjamins.

At this point in his life, he’s even admitted that he’s looking out for himself and needs some solace and tranquility. It’s fancy, which is why he’s creating a really accessible rancher home while Karen and Matt argue arrogantly over home design details.

Amy and Matt’s children harbor resentment, not that Matt was actually on their side. This could all lead to the downfall of Little People, Big World. It’s difficult to predict where the show will end up. Can the show continue?

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Can the family tolerate the constant cold? Yes, things could warm up. Matt might acknowledge his failings instead of justifying every shady and self-serving action. Zach might come to terms with the fact that Matt doesn’t owe him a farm.

When that happens, it will be a sign of maturity. Amy could tone down the bossiness and really embrace life with Chris. She could put more emotional distance between herself and Matt and Karen. However, these wise decisions could kill the golden goose that is Little People, Big World.

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